
This blog is an expression of my thoughts and reflections on living life with Type 1 Diabetes. The intended readership of this blog is quite simply, any one who would like to have an insight into what daily life is like when you're a Type 1 Diabetic. My blog posts are intended to be a reflection of how I am feeling when I write them and are at the end of the day, just my opinion. My opinion might differ to yours and if that is the case I welcome discussion on it! I truly believe that writing and reflecting on what is going on for me is an important part of my own self care. It may or may not be for others but that is what drives my wish to write.

I am not a Health Care Professional, nothing I say is intended to be medical advice. Your Diabetes May Vary, what works for me, may not necessarily work for you.

If any one would like to contact me I welcome emails on lifewithinjections @ gmail.com
