Living life as a type 1 diabetic is a bit of a rollercoaster. So I thought I'd blog about it. It seems appropriate to begin with my story.
I'm 24 years old, living in New Zealand. Recently graduated from University, working full time for the first time in my life (well apart from summer holidays) and I will celebrate my 9th birthday of being diagnosed later this year.
And that, let me tell you is craazy. How has it been 9 years? How is it that I still struggle to test before every meal? That my HB1AC has never been that good? Life has been pretty full on for the last couple of years. But now, I finally feel settled and happy. I've been reading a lot of diabetic blogs recently and found that I was wanting to tell my story. My own crazy experiences, the awkward conversations, the ridiculous overdosing on sugar when you are in the midst of a bad hypo, the hypo's where I've had paramedics called, that time I ended up in the Intensive Care Unit because I thought it would be okay to skip my insulin. I've been through a lot and I want to tell my story. I think that ultimately, telling others about my experiences might help me learn something about myself.
S x
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